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Top talent acquisition trends for technology firms

Top talent acquisition trends for technology firms

Despite cutbacks at technology firms, demand for IT personnel is predicted to be strong in 2023. According to the survey, hiring in the technology business remains high. 56% of respondents polled indicated they planned to hire for new positions in the future year, while 39% said they planned to hire for departed positions. However, 86% of technology managers reported that finding experienced experts in software and application development, technological process automation, cloud architecture and operations is difficult (according to Companies will need to be more competitive than ever before to attract top personnel in these high-demand fields.

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Recently, we ran a poll on LinkedIn to determine what is the largest draw to attract potential talent to work for a company and it turns out that income and perks are the most important factors. Following that are job advancement, location, and flexible working hours.

It is not unexpected that income and perks are the primary motivators for potential employees to join a company. People frequently seek financial stability and security, and a decent wage package is an important part of that. Furthermore, a comprehensive benefits package can make employees feel valued and supported, increasing job satisfaction and retention.

Career advancement is also an essential consideration for many job searchers. They want to know that they will be successful. They want to know that there will be opportunities for them to learn and enhance their talents, as well as for progression within the organisation. Companies that engage in the professional development of their employees and provide a clear route for career advancement are more likely to recruit top talent.

Location and flexible working hours are other important factors for job searchers. Many people appreciate the flexibility to work from home or have flexible schedules that allow them to manage work and personal responsibilities. Companies that provide these types of work arrangements may be more appealing to potential employees, especially those who seek work-life balance.

Overall, If your workforce strategy worked last year, congratulations. However, there is no guarantee the same plan will succeed next year, especially in such a volatile environment. To properly grasp their demands for the following year, talent managers will need to be more diligent in their demand planning in the future, breaking down barriers and communicating with business executives across all functions.

We'd love to work with you to analyse your current recruitment strategy as well as the emerging trends that will affect the job market in the coming year. Let's get started on your workforce planning right now!


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